These classes and workshops focus on basic energy management skills such as grounding and shielding, increasing one's intuition, and increasing one's psychic abilities.  
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Chakras and Auras

The seven major chakras, which are color coded with the rainbow, have been talked about since ancient times as an important key to understanding the human body and its associated energies.  Learn what the chakras are and the role they play in our lives: mind, body, and spirit.  Chakras are an emotional barometer that reflects the energetic well-being of our own subtle energies.  Shifting like our auras, they tell us much about the invisible world within.Chakra & Auras

  1. Explore the history of these personal energy centers.
  2. Gain a deeper understanding of what each of the different chakras represent.
  3. Become aware of the role that chakras play in our personalities, and in our daily interactions with others.
  4. Learn to read the chakras with a pendulum.
  5. Experience a guided meditation to cleanse and align the chakras.

We will discuss how emotional issues and traumas can effect or block these energy vortices and how it shows up in personal health.  By understanding the chakras and their role in our emotional health, you can help yourself to regain your center.  Empower yourself to come from a place of strength and regain balance.